Leaking roof - how to identify a roof leak.

How to Fix a Leaking Roof

Leaks are one of the most common issues with an aging or damaged roof. However, fixing a leaking roof is not a job for the average person, especially since leaks can cause significant damage, including a deteriorating roof structure and interior mold or rot. What should you do if you notice signs of a roof leak? Here’s how to identify and fix a leaking roof.

Signs of a Leaking Roof

Although an active leak in your property can be obvious, a leaking roof doesn’t typically cause dripping water right away. In most cases, water enters the roof and will need to work its way through several layers before getting into the interior of your building.

This is why many business owners may notice a leak days or weeks after a storm or roofing damage. It takes time for the leak to become apparent; another reason why having your roof inspected regularly is so important.

Other signs of a leaking roof include:

  • Water stains on your walls or ceiling
  • Moisture or moss growth on exterior walls
  • A bad or musty smell in your building
  • Higher than normal energy bills

It’s also possible to have a roof leak without seeing any of these signs.

Locating the Source of the Leak

Locating the source of a leak can be challenging since water travels downhill. Therefore, the actual location of the leak may be above where you see the problem inside. Additionally, locating a leak on your roof can be hazardous, particularly if moisture has compromised your roof structure.

If you are able to inspect your commercial roof, look for areas that are damaged or darker than the rest of the roof. Depending on how long the damage has been there to let moisture in, there may even be mold growth.

Should you have a flat roof, look for damage such as punctures and tears, both of which could be the origin of a leak. Another common place for water to enter your building is from damaged flashing and roof seams.

The leak may also be coming from around a roof vent, so check all vents if you are able. Even if you can safely inspect your flat roof, getting an inspection with a professional roofer can ensure you don’t miss any damage and help you locate the problem sooner.

Repairing All Damaged Materials

Often, finding the source of the leak without being a professional can be difficult. The process to repair leaks can also be labor-intensive.

In addition, you don’t want to repair a leaking roof and then have wet, damaged material trapped underneath the repaired section. When fixing a leaking roof, everything that has been affected by the leak needs to be repaired as well. This is to ensure the integrity of your roof structure and the new materials.

Commercial roofing materials can be more challenging to repair when it comes to leaks. With shingles, you may be able to re-shingle the damaged area, but with materials such as modified bitumen and single-ply membranes, the repair process requires more skill.

Contact a Professional Roofer

If you have a leak on your commercial roof, it’s essential to contact a professional roofer as soon as possible. An experienced commercial roofer can identify the source of the problem to fully fix the leaking roof. Contact the commercial roofers at CDS Roofing today to book a free estimate and roof inspection to get your leaking roof repaired.


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